Know your options if you are being harassed by creditors
Being in debt is stressful enough for any person struggling financially in Atlanta; being harassed and abused by creditors can make the situation even worse.
Creditors will use a number of different tactics to get people to pay debts. In many cases, creditors comply with the rules set by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, but there are certainly instances when they bend or completely break these rules. People who feel they are being harassed by creditors can take action to stop the harassment and protect themselves and their rights.
In this article we wrote, we explored some of the ways that creditors commonly violate the FDCPA. In some cases, creditors misrepresent themselves, call non-stop, lie about debt information, make threats or use profane language, all of which can be deemed unlawful. Victims of these violations can choose to file a complaint with agencies that can enforce FDCPA rules, including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission.
Another way that people can stop creditor harassment is by filing for bankruptcy protection. While bankruptcy is not an appropriate solution for everyone, it can be a very effective means of discharging or repaying debt. It can also put an immediate stop to the harassment and seemingly endless stream of collection calls.
Being buried under debt can be overwhelming and stressful, and it can be beneficial to have the support of an attorney during this time. In addition to helping people find relief from debt, legal representation can also prove to be helpful in stopping collection efforts and holding parties accountable for unlawful debt collection practices.