How an attorney can help if you are dealing with debt
If you are under extreme financial pressure and facing unmanageable debt, the last thing you probably want to do is spend more money, and dealing with the relentless calls and letters from creditors can just make you want to hide or try to ignore the issue. It can also be very challenging and even embarrassing to discuss your poor economic status with someone else.
Because of these factors, many people will often try to handle their situation on their own if they are in debt. However, for a number of reasons, this can prove to be a costly mistake.
Filing for bankruptcy or dealing with foreclosure proceedings is typically more complicated than people realize. There are extensive rules and guidelines on how to properly navigate these processes, and people can make some critical mistakes or oversights because they are just trying to figure it out as they go along. These mistakes can lead to legal complications and delays that can end up costing people a considerable amount of time and money.
Without legal representation, people can also feel intimidated and overwhelmed in court hearings or discussions with creditors. This can make people agree to something they don’t understand or don’t want to do, which can have a serious financial impact in the long run.
Further, many people don’t fully understand their rights concerning debt or the full spectrum of debt relief options that may be available, including and in addition to bankruptcy. They can also get so frustrated and stressed out trying to sort out their options that it only makes matters worse.
If you are currently buried under mounting debt and facing the possibility of losing your home and other assets, making the decision to discuss your situation with an attorney at our Georgia bankruptcy firm can prove to be an important first step toward a better financial future. It may seem like spending money for legal support is the opposite of what someone should do to resolve debt, but the reality is that trying to cut costs on legal resources and go it alone can ultimately cost people more — financially, personally and emotionally — in the long run.