Can your wages be garnished for failure to make debt payments?
Being in debt can be one of the most upsetting experiences a person can face. It can create serious levels of stress, marital strife and very real fears about the future. Unfortunately, it is something that millions of Americans struggle with on a daily basis.
At a certain level, this debt can be overwhelming; people may respond by trying to ignore it or assume that it will go away on its own. However, this can only make matters worse. Unless debt is addressed, people may end up facing aggressive actions including wage garnishment.
Wage garnishment is a way for creditors to forcibly collect debt payments. Generally speaking, it involves an automatic withdrawal of money from a person’s paycheck to pay back creditors that can continue until the debt is paid off. Essentially, if creditors are trying to collect from someone, they could pursue wage garnishment as a means of getting paid if that person is not taking steps resolve non-payment issues.
This can understandably be very scary for people who are already buried under mounting debt. The thought of taking home less in a paycheck every cycle can make an already-difficult time even more upsetting.
However, it is important to know that wage garnishment doesn’t just happen without warning. There will be a court hearing to approve the action and an employer will be notified about withholding money from a person’s paycheck. Additional protections for employees include strict limits on the amount that can be garnished.
If you have received notice that a creditor will pursue wage garnishment or are struggling with unpaid loans or child support, it can be important to speak with an attorney before further action is taken. There are debt relief options available that can help people avoid wage garnishment and other debt collection practices. However, this means that you will need to be proactive and seek support sooner, rather than later.
Source:, “Wage Garnishment,” accessed on Oct. 21, 2014